Same Sex Marriage

The traditional face of the family unit has changed and the law must move in pace with that change in order to give effect to respect of all individuals human rights as protected under the Constitution. To quote the eloquent words of Madam Justice Abella on the topic of human rights, “Equality and its handmaiden human rights are about fairness, an ethereal objective. But it is also a realistic vision. To have the benefit of diversity is to have the benefit of heterogeneous input — human, intellectual, economic, cultural and political. It is to appreciate that the social orchestra, conducted by a democracy, sounds best when it is harmonious. The sounds blend, they do not merge. It is a symphony, not a concerto. All the players expect to contribute to the melodious whole, and are interdependent on one another for support. It is a solidarity based on understanding the unique value each different instrument brings to the whole orchestra. It is a solidarity we must never stop trying to achieve.” (Human Rights, in the Twenty-First Century: A Global Challenge)

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